Thursday 14 February 2013

Lucy Hargrave In-Depth Analysis

The purpose of this piece is to advertise goats milk soap. The packaging was hand made and each design on the front showed the type of fragrance inside the packaging . A handmade goats milk soap company issued the piece to advertise their goats milk soap.

The target audience for this piece is mostly female customers because of there interest in perfumed soaps which some women have a collection of. Its packaging looks like it is made through a net and glued at the sides with a opening at the top. The front cover design seems to have been cut out first on the net then it was builded up. The size of the box seems average compared to other soap boxes.

The box it self is white with black font on the front to show the name of soap and its fragrance. The coloured content inside the packaging come out through the cut out shapes on the cover making it stand out. The Image or the cut out has been done with a laser cutter to allow the smell of the soap to come through. And also they used the laser cutter to print the  brand name on the side of the box.

The cut out shapes are intricate mandala designs based on natural ingredients used in each soap flavour The layout is like other soap packaging with the image of the soap and then the label underneath it.

The packaging portrays that the company like to do intricate designs and make things handmade and are unique in the designs of their packaging to intrigue their target audience.
The packaging design conveys the meaning of culture and gives the feeling of fantasy the way it designs it packaging. 

I like the piece of work because it allows me to get ideas on how to create my own packaging for my project brief. It fits into the theme of "covert and obscured" and the intricate laser cut design in front of the packing gives that impression of something hidden.

Thursday 7 February 2013

In - Depth Analysis

Angus Nicholls

The purpose of this piece was to choose a existing company and choose three fruits and create suitable packaging. This was issued to students by a company for them to create an appealing packaging which would appeal to children.

The target audience of this piece was children. The artist made designed it so school children will want to buy it by using bright colours and cartoon characters in shape of the fruit they have inside. 

The packaging is in a cylinder shape which wraps around the fruit inside. It connects at the back with a slot to hold it together. It looks medium sized just big enough to fit the fruit inside it.

The colour used on the characters on the front cover represent the colour of the fruit inside and the white and green background adds contrast to the shapes of the fruit.

The logo for the piece "Snack Monsters" is done a cartoon like font and is coloured the same colour as the fruit and on each letter there is black spots to give the effect of monster skin hence the name "Snack Monsters".

The images used are cartoon like characters in the form of the fruit inside the package with each one having different monster features. The images seem to have been created on illustrator or photoshop and have vibrant colours to apeal to children.

personaly i like this piece because it shows creativity and how a student can create something to look professional and be worthy to be sold. Also it helps me to get ideas on how to do my packaging design for my own brief by looking at how he created this piece.

My Chosen Brief

Sunday 3 February 2013

Final Evaluation

  1. For my project  i had to create a culture magazine that will be printed and presented as a professional looking outcome. In order to get inspiration on how to create it i looked at existing magazines and it got ideas on the layout.
  2. The ideas at the start of the project were simple and did not look professional. I had to keep going on to the Internet and searching professional looking magazines to get ideas which eventually  gave me an idea on how to create my pages. I took screen-shots to show the development of each page and how it was created . I also did some experiments in my book to help me get ideas for my logo i created which i then developed it on Photoshop. 
  3. In my project i think the logo,front cover and back cover came out the best because it looks professional and looks like a real magazine. The title i created "Concept Expression" goes well with the content of the magazine showing the art of the different illustrators i have analyzed. The advert on the back cover i think turned out the best because it looks the closest to the real watch adverts and you cant tell that it was created by a student. The front cover also turned out great, i got my idea from a poster that had paint splatter so i decided to create my own version of it to create the background for my front cover using Photoshop and it the final design was effective to what i set out to do.
  4. I think i would like to improve my feature spread and my illustration page because to me it does not look exciting and to be honest looks plain and simple. to improve it i think i should add more pictures and arrange them in various ways around the page to make it look exciting and also add paint splatter to the background to go with the theme of the front cover.
  5. In conclusion i found the project interesting and allowed me to use my skills of drawing and Photoshop to create work that looked professional. In the future i would like to get more creative and be able to use a variety of tools and software to create the chosen project.