Thursday 7 February 2013

In - Depth Analysis

Angus Nicholls

The purpose of this piece was to choose a existing company and choose three fruits and create suitable packaging. This was issued to students by a company for them to create an appealing packaging which would appeal to children.

The target audience of this piece was children. The artist made designed it so school children will want to buy it by using bright colours and cartoon characters in shape of the fruit they have inside. 

The packaging is in a cylinder shape which wraps around the fruit inside. It connects at the back with a slot to hold it together. It looks medium sized just big enough to fit the fruit inside it.

The colour used on the characters on the front cover represent the colour of the fruit inside and the white and green background adds contrast to the shapes of the fruit.

The logo for the piece "Snack Monsters" is done a cartoon like font and is coloured the same colour as the fruit and on each letter there is black spots to give the effect of monster skin hence the name "Snack Monsters".

The images used are cartoon like characters in the form of the fruit inside the package with each one having different monster features. The images seem to have been created on illustrator or photoshop and have vibrant colours to apeal to children.

personaly i like this piece because it shows creativity and how a student can create something to look professional and be worthy to be sold. Also it helps me to get ideas on how to do my packaging design for my own brief by looking at how he created this piece.

1 comment:

  1. Werner, a good start but I'd like to see you writ a little more. Unfortunately the large font size doesn't disguise the quantity of writing. Think and write about the following:
    1. Do you like the work? Why?
    2. How do these examples compare with Angus Nicholls other work or other food packaging?
